miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2007

So many things, one thing...

Dos caminos, una mente y muchos miedos e inquietudes...

Uno, el otro, o los dos?...


Listening ~System~ Queen of the Damned OST

Keep on trying I'm not dying so easily...
I will not die...Why is everything so fucking hard?


Listening ~Another Day~ Dream Theater

You won't find it here...So die another day...
"Face the candle to the wind..."
So if you're looking for a time to run away...You won't find it here...


Listening ~I'm Sorry~ Evergrey

This dream I had made a slave of my passion...
My dream was a lie & the lie became truth....Reality held his breath too long...
It's disgusting what dreams can do...
I'll try to never be back again...I'm sorry...


Listening ~Hollow Years~ Dream Theater

She's not the kind of girl you hear about...
She'll never want another
She'll never be without
She'll give you all the signs
She'll tell you everything
Then turn around and walk away...
The noise that you'll hear, is the crashing down of hollow years...


Listening ~Freak on a leash~ KoRn

Sometimes I cannot take this place.
Feeling like a freak on a leash. (You wanna see the light)...Feeling like I have no release. (So do I)...
How many times have I felt diseased? (You wanna see the light)...



Many songs, many feelings; but one soul...

3 comentarios:

sacogris y bucles dijo...

Re lindo blog!!
Te quiero muchoo!!y deja de escribir en ingles que lo odioo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y. dijo...

Hola... qué bueno que escuches Dream Theater, por mí, el mejor disco lejos es Images and Words.

Bueno, solo eso quería decirte, nos vemos luego...

Y. dijo...

Hace ya un mes que no posteás, espero que sigas dando vueltas por acá...

No sé, me da pena ver blogs morir, no lo dejes caer!
